Saturday, 18 March 2017

Praying in Tongues

                                             Photo credit 100 ways to pray

So recently i stumbled upon a powerful book The Walk of the Spirit,The walk of Power by Dave Roberson. Mind blowing!!!! I get so excited once its about time to head home from work, i cant wait to head home and pour through the books. I t basically reminds us that the Holy Spirit is here to hep us pray. he is here to help us.

We dont have to toil we just need to submit to him. If you have ever been in such a troubling situation that prayer just feels so difficult, the words cant seem to come out then you know what i mean, i have been there countless times and at such times, i just say Holy Spirit help me pray an
d the words comes tumbling out, i don't have to understand them, i don't have to explain them, he is speaking through me, with tongues, in his own language. I just have to trust him! Suffice to say anytime i am done, i am filled with power and strength. Speaking in tongues is a mystery, it is power. I have made a commitment to spend more time speaking in tongues daily. Just edifying my spirit. If you are serious about living a life of power , filled with the Spirit then you need to read this book! Thank me later

The Walk of the Spirit - The Walk of Power

Here are some extracts 
Page 14
Once I asked the Lord, “Why did You give us such a peculiar language to use in prayer?” This is what He spoke to my spirit:
“Among men a language has never come into existence that carries the vocabulary to express everything I am in you through Christ Jesus. Since there was no language with such a vocabulary, I had to create my own and loan it to you while you are on the earth. I just loan it to you till you come up to Heaven; then it will cease.
“Meanwhile, you know in part, and I know everything — My entire redemption plan for all eternity. Whenever the devil comes against you, don’t worry about it. Because of your infirmities, I will start making intercession for you according to that plan. And even though you only know in part, I will pray the part you need.”


The Great Exchange: Trading Our Plan for God’s Plan

There is a supernatural exchange that takes place as we pray in other tongues. Look at what Romans 8:27,28 says: And he [the Holy Spirit] that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Page 15 
What does it mean, “he that searcheth the hearts”? It means that the Holy Spirit continually searches your heart with the intention of removing everything that is contrary to the will of God, your Father the Planner. Then the Holy Spirit replaces it with the plan He heard for your personal life before the beginning of time when God formulated His plan for you. He prays the perfect plan of God into your spirit so you not only know what you are called to do but how to fulfill that call in the perfect timing, will, and power of God.
God trades your natural plans and ideas for His through the supernatural medium of exchange, tongues for personal edification. You can know beyond a shadow of a doubt that as you yield to that divine exchange, all things will indeed work together for good for you, because you love God and are called according to His purpose.

He Helps Us Find Our Calling

However, you can’t discover the purpose God has called you to fulfill just by reading His Word. Now, you can find out in the Word everything you need to know pertaining to the inheritance that belongs to every believer. You can learn all about salvation, healing, prosperity, righteousness, Heaven, the blood, and ministry offices. But you cannot find out from the Word alone what God has called you to fulfill as an individual member of the Body of Christ.
There is no “Book of Roberson” that I can turn to for personal instruction. I have to discover my divine calling by revelation through the personal inward work of the Holy Spirit.
Page 16 
No one knows our calling better than the Holy Spirit. He was in the Presence of God when our call was first planned. That’s why He brought His supernatural language with Him when He came to live inside us. We’re just too ignorant to know how to pray about our call. So His great reservoir of wisdom and counsel resides within our spirits, just waiting to be released through tongues.