One of the ways to pray when you need quick results is to PRAY WITH THE WORD. isiah 55 vs 11 So is my word that goes out of my mouth; it will not return to me empty but will accomplish what i desire and achieve the purpose for which i sent it.
Note ... Reading the word is not the same thing as Praying the word. when you pray the word, you read out loud in the attitude of prayer, you personalise it.
One key thing to note here is that God backs up his word, 2.God wants the best forvus, he said in his word, for i know the plans i have for you.....
Now say you are broke, you know that is Gods will that you prosper and have food, if your in a tumultous relationship or your marriage is in trouble, you know that God wants you to have a good life. So what do you do? Simple... Delve into the word of God , find that passage that addresses ypur secific problem, and pray with that word. Th devil only understamds the word of God. the bible in John says in the begiming was th word, amd the wprd was with God, nd the WORD WAS GOD. Glory to God!!!!! That makes me realise that when ever i speak the word , i am speaking Jesus into my situation!!!! The word is alive!! and at the mention of his mane, every knee must bow.
To conclude Part 1, let us take specific examples , one thing i love to do when praying for prosperity is to wake up in the morning amd pray with Isiah 60, i read it out and personalise it . i put my name in the captions and read it out likae a prayer.. "I will arise and shine, for my light has come, and the glory of God is risen upon me, nations shall come to my light in Jesus name".
when in need of protection, i pray psalm 91.
Some times in the midst of challenges, we are lost of words, we do not know how to pray. Search the word , find a passage for your situation and pray itvout ...in our next post, i will be showing specific bible passages for specific situation. till then..... shalom
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