I'm sitting here at my office, faced with a situation involving a family member that ordinarily should make me terrified, i took a moment to think and realize that i am not afraid, i am not scared and i am not in doubt that it will all end well. I can sense the devil trying to make the feel like i should actually be scared, what if try to creep into my mind, but i find comfort from the word of GOD. ''Perfect love casts out fear'' , ''for we have not been given a spirit of fear but of boldness and sound mind'' , you see years ago if faced with even a less important situation, i would have been fretting, my day ruined etc... no appetite.
Its amazing how one passage in the bible can change your life, one day i stumbled on this very well known passage. Psalm 55 vs 22 Cast your burden upon the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken. Mathew 11:29-30 …29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” I thought so myself, so GOD wants me to drop my burdens at his feet, Jesus wants to take it from me, he also promised that he will not let me be shaken!!!! If after i pray i am still worrying about a problem, did i really leave it at his feet? Doesnt that mean that i am still carrying the burden? That was the turning point in my life, you see worrying doesnt make it better, it just gives more room for doubt and it keeps growing and doubt simply means that i do not believe GOD can solve the problem, it simply means that i dont believe in his power. So these became my worry curing steps
- I see myself at the feet of Jesus, i lift the burden and drop it at his feet, and once i drop it, i will not pick it up again. I have let it go, it is no longer my burden it is no longer my worry, it is no longer my problem, it now belongs to Jesus.
- My next realization is that there is nothing Jesus cannot solve, he is so big that nothing is a challenge or problem to him. This means that my problems is actually solved.
- Step 3 is realising that the devil is truly a liar and he might try to put more pressure of make it look like its getting worse, he is just a toothless beast, he can do nothing, unless he gets my mind, he needs to get me to pick up that burden again! Once i do thst then i am not back to square 1 but even worse off than i was before, so use this verse 2 Corinthians 10:5New International Version (NIV) 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. I keep saying it and then i go into tongues, and praises.
- GOD has NEVER FAILED ME! GOD HAS NEVER FAILED ANYONE! Once i leave it at his feet, it is sorted, it might not happen exactly how i want it or when i want it, but GOD is GOD and he has my best interests at hand.
I hope this is a blessing to someone.