What does GOD have to do with my workplace? Oh! but everything!! With all the deadlines, challenges, stress and demands, we need GOD to help us out! I know for one that i cant do without GOD in my workplace. He is very much a part of all the process as i am . Years ago, i used to have work related issues a lot, so i knew i was smart, everyone knew, but when it came down to getting the job done,for some reason, i would labour and labour and someone else would get the praise, every single thing that went wrong would go to me. At some point i realized it was time to take this to GOD.
I discovered this great Psalm 5 v 12 Like a large shield, you surround them with your favor. ... But You, O LORD, are a shield about me, My glory, and the One who lifts my head. Psalm 29:11 this was an eye opener, so it was possible for GODS favour to so surround me that when people looked at me , they would see favour. I also realized something from the story of Ballack and Ballam, Favour doesn't mean that they will like you, it only means that they will do what will work for your own good, whether they like you or not! Hallelujah. I got hold of this verse and put it to work, every morning before i get to work i spend time speaking in tongues and prophesying that verse to myself, with time i began to see myself covered in favour, you see its one thing to pray but its a totally different thing to see yourself in the totality and truth of the prayers or the prophesy.
Things didin't change i open day , no of course not, but gradually, ever so gradually things started changing , i started noticing that there definitely was a change in the vibes i was receiving. Then the net step was to examine my work process, my attention to details, i found myself asking GOD what can i do to change, what can i o to change how can i be better at what i do? What is most glorious about yielding to the Holy Spirit is that all of a sudden you will see him show up in every aspect of your life, offering advice to you and granting you grace and favour that people cannot understand.
With time i started receiving solutions to problem in my dreams, once i get tensed, i know i just need to go to that quiet place and talk to GOd and in no time the answer i was ever so searching for would come to me, this then began to manifest itself in my everyday life, in all the solutions to problems that cropped up and with time people began to see me as a problem solver ans a solution provider.
So i task you today to get the habit of inviting the Holy Spirit in every single thing that you are doing and you will see a massive change, you will see immense favour begin to work for you in ways you cannot imagine,
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